Our Beliefs and Mission

We believe God created the world good, humans messed up the good creation and God came in Jesus Christ to set things right.

We are participants – co-creators – in the restoration of the Creation and in realizing God’s kingdom right here on earth. It isn’t enough to hear the word – we must live it as well.

We believe that being in relationship with God means working on God’s behalf towards a world of justice, mercy and equality. We strive to live. in gratitude for God’s abundant grace.

Jesus is “God with skin,” sent to teach, heal and lead us. He laid the foundation for God’s church and walked the earth so that we could know God personally. By virtue of his horrific death, Jesus took upon himself the sins of the world. Through his death we are forgive the consequences of our sins. Through his resurrection, we are promised eternal life.

The Holy Spirit moves through and among us, inspiring, equipping and giving us the courage to do God’s work and to grow in our faith. This Holy Spirit guides us to be a people of peace and justice, comfort and compassion.

We believe in Romans 8:38-39 – that nothing can separate us from God’s love through Christ Jesus.
Our Mission Statement
We are a welcoming community of joyous Individuals united in our love of God. Using the power of that love we are inspired to promote equality and dignity for all people through dynamic outreach and compassionate service.